Opinion: Goodbye Tucker Carlson. I’ll miss the cartoons.

Tucker Carlson will no longer be on Fox News. The announcement Monday that Carlson and Fox had parted ways came after Fox had agreed to pay out three quarters of a billion dollars to Dominion in a defamation lawsuit that rested heavily on Carlson’s on-air reporting about election fraud coupled with his off-air text messages indicating he thought it all was a hoax.

To mark this moment, I’ve pulled some of the best Tucker Carlson cartoons from over the years because sometimes a drawing is worth a thousand words.

On Tucker Carlson (Dave Whamond, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Dave Whamond, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (RJ Matson, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (RJ Matson, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News)
On Tucker Carlson (Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News)
On Tucker Carlson (Dave Granlund, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Dave Granlund, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Bob Englehart, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Bob Englehart, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Dave Granlund, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Dave Granlund, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Christopher Weyant, The Boston Globe)
On Tucker Carlson (Christopher Weyant, The Boston Globe)
On Tucker Carlson (RJ Matson, CQ Roll Call)
On Tucker Carlson (RJ Matson, CQ Roll Call)
On Tucker Carlson (Dave Whamond, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Dave Whamond, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Ed Wexler, CagleCartoons.com)
On Tucker Carlson (Ed Wexler, CagleCartoons.com)

Megan Schrader is the editor of The Denver Post’s opinion pages.

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Colorado teen: “I’m trying.”

Editor’s note: Madison Schilling submitted her artwork to The Denver Post after her teacher at Green Mountain High School in Lakewood encouraged her to share it with a broader audience. Her hope is that it will help adults and teens cope with a difficult year of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To send a letter to the editor about this article, submit online or check out our guidelines for how to submit by email or mail.

Cartoons: Bloomberg jumps ahead to Super Tuesday while Trump takes on Kelly and Vindman

As Democratic presidential candidates did battle this week in New Hampshire, Mike Bloomberg zipped ahead to focus on Super Tuesday states.

On the other side of the aisle, President Donald Trump took some flak from former chief of staff John Kelly over the removal of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman from the White House. Vindman testified in the House impeachment proceedings.

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Cartoons: Donald Trump, acquittal and the rule of law

It’s been a big week for President Donald Trump.

Last Tuesday he delivered a State of the Union address that included a Presidential Medal of Freedom for Rush Limbaugh and Nancy Pelosi ripping up a ceremonial copy of the speech.

The next day he was acquitted of impeachment charges by a GOP-controlled Senate and he subsequently removed a number of employees who testified as part of the House investigation from the White House.

And then this week his longtime ally, Roger Stone, caught a break when DOJ officials decided to step in and reduce their recommended sentence, prompting all four trial attorneys to resign or withdraw from the case.

Drawn to the news: Travel ban
David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, Ariz.
David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, Ariz.

Several political cartoonists reacted to the news Tuesday, June 26, that the Supreme Court ruled the President has the authority to ban travelers from certain countries to protect the United States. President Donald Trump faced several challenges while trying to get the travel ban in place.

Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, NY
Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, NY
Drawn to the News: Space Force

Cartoonists Nate Beeler of The Columbus Dispatch and Bruce Plante of the Tulsa World had a little fun with President Donald Trump’s talk of developing a new military branch, “Space Force.” “When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space,” Trump said during his announcement.

Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch
Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch
Bruce Plante, Tulsa World
Bruce Plante, Tulsa World